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by Roger Chartier www.HowCanIRetire.net - HomePage


Can I retire when the time comes?

Will I make it for retirement on only that money?

Retirement and the money is not enough?

Old Long HAir Guy! - www.HowCanIRetire.netMany people are still working and thinking that they will have to continue to work past their retirement age because of the financial situation that will be coming with retirement.

Social-security won't be enough for a lot of folks.

When did you last take a serious look at where you stand with social-security and how much do you need to live on considering a monthly basis.

Do you have another income for retirement? Well if you don't then read below and think about it.

A lot of people whose work schedules in the past few years weren't stable are finding that they are in some kind of trouble.

If you need a minimum of $2,000 a month to live on, and your social security will pay out $775, then from where is the other $1,250 going to come?

Ok, so now it's time to start thinking about how to live in a cheaper situation, but only $775 isn't going to go very far, now is it?

No, it isn't, and for those folks there is a serious worry.

As we get older we have health issues that come into play, and other issues, like being too old to work because you are too tired to go at it for 8 hours a day in a job that is too physical.

I am going to leave you to think about this, and it will be interesting to see what the answers are to the question. How can I live on $775.00 a month?

We'll address the situation again in the future with more answers to the problem.


Disclaimer: Before you make an investment get legal or professional advice.